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**This firmware is specific to the Artillery Hornet with Manual Mesh Bed Leveling** see my other creations for the Sidewinder X1 firmware with and without BL Touch.


**Flash firmware at your own risk!!** You really can't brick your printer but you can incur some downtime if not done properly. I will do my best to assist should an issue arise, Marlin firmware is FREE under the GPL license and can be obtained from You are only paying for a customized, tested and supported version for the Hornet.  It also comes with close to immediate support unless you are on another continent, then it is about a 6 hour delay. 


It is best NOT to flash your firmware immediately after purchasing a 3D printer. Instead, accustom yourself to it and how you print, once you feel you reached the limits of your current firmware, you can upgrade.


I hope you enjoy the quality of my firmware builds and hope it helps your printing success. I decided to create my own firmware after trying one firmware the owner felt he knew what features I wanted and which ones I didn't, and another that sent my nozzle dragging across the bed of my week old printer.. at that point I felt I had to make my own and not only maintain it as much and as fast as possible, but also ensure any features available are being taken advantage of while at the same time configuring the firmware to give us Sidewinder/Genius/Hornet owners the best possible prints.


I only charge a small fee to account for a fraction of the time spent compiling, updating, customizing, testing, troubleshooting and supporting my firmware version, Thank you and Happy printing!


Note, I will try to keep the last 3 firmware's in rotation but if you need a special configuration for your printer please let me know what you need and I will be happy to tweak it for your specific setup.


Updating instructions will also be added to download


This printer is actually pretty simple to update, you NO longer need to jumper any pins!.

Video link for those that are visual learners!


1. Download and install STM32CubeProgrammer from, this will be used to upload the firmware to the printer, we will use DFU mode for that on the Memory and File edition tab.

2. Download and install Pronterface

3. Now connect the printer to the computer via USB and open Pronterface.
3a. Select your port and baud rate, 250000 should work.
3b. In the command window type M997 and press send, ignore the errors. 
3c. Open STM32CubeProgrammer, DO NOT CHANGE TABS. on the right side, select USB for port and then the super extra bright fluorescent green connect button. Once connected, press Open File and browse to the firmware.bin you just downloaded and press the Download button to send flash the printer.

5. Congratulations!! your printer is now running the latest firmware with all the extra bells and whistles.

6.After firmware is flashed IF you see an option to initialize EEPROM select RESET. This is a new feature to ensure you have the latest settings loaded.

7. Close everything up and enjoy!

Note; If printer does not want to take the new firmware, please download and install verison 11 from the Artillery3D website first.


NOTE: If the printer is not recognized by your computer, download and install Zadig’s USB driver software from


Once installed under options tab press “List all Devices”
Find “STM32 BOOTLOADER” and install the WinUSB driver


***Note*** I have included as much information as I can to get you going, due to the sheer number of back and forth emails, if you need dedicated one on one support, please consider joining my Patreon


Release Notes;
Added the latest MPC Hotend Tune fixes and updates
Added Input Shaping fixes and updates
merged all latest bugfixes and enhancements since last update.

Added the latest MPC Hotend Tune
Added the Input Shaping to the menu
merged all latest bugfixes and enhancements since last update.

Latest 2.10 Bugfix changes which include TMPC or Temperature Model Predictive Control, a much smarter option to PID Tuning
enabled binary file transfer which should allow future firmware update to be sent via USB using Octoprint

To incorporate latest Marlin Bugfixes up to 3/25

included latest Marlin bugfixes as promised.
adjust encoder speeds for speed when rotating
Bed leveling now adjusts in increments of 0.001 for finer tuning
Jerk removed and replaced with newer Linear Advance
Level Corners now called Bed Tramming

Lowered Z axis for leveling to start from 2mm vs 4mm
reenabled last measured height so when leveling bed, the next point will start from the last leveling point
tweaked encoder speeds
added Preheat to the top of the main menu

enabled Nozzle Park feature on pause or for filament change as i noticed it stayed over the print job if you select change filament.

a few more fine tuning options, RGB led enabled in case you added an RGB led, simply connect it to the RGB connectors

Uploaded firmware with power loss recovery enabled as well as scroll long file names, status message scrolling and browse media on insert

added PID Tuning to both bed and Extruder under configuration/advanced/temp.
Mesh bed leveling now has 25 points or 5x5
Bed leveling now adjusts in increments of 0.010 vs 0.025 for a more accurate level
Jerk now configurable from menu

Artillery Hornet Stock Marlin 2.1.3 Firmware w Input Shaping

Impuesto excluido
  • Instructions:

    Updating instructions will also be added to download

    This printer is actually pretty simple to update, you only need to jumper (short) two pins so that your computer will see it.

    1. Download and install STM32CubeProgrammer from, this will be used to upload the firmware to the printer, we will use DFU mode for that.
    2. Unplug printer from power, turn on side and undo the 3 Philips screws on the back yellow case and gently pry apart with your hands.
    3. You now have access to the board and will see a 2x3 pin header with BOOTO and 3.3V, GND and a few other labels, place your jumper on BOOTO and 3.3v.  That's It!.
    4. Now connect the printer to the computer via USB and open STM32CubeProgrammer, on the right side, select USB for port and then the super extra bright fluorescent green connect button. Once connected, press Open File and browse to the firmware.bin you just downloaded and press the Download button to send flash the printer.
    5. Congratulations!! your printer is now running the latest firmware with some extra bells and whistles.
    6. Disconnect the jumper or WIRE IT TO A SWITCH on the outside of the printer for future updates, close everything up and enjoy!

    NOTE: If the printer is not recognized by your computer, download and install Zadig’s USB driver software from

    Once installed under options tab press “List all Devices”
    Find “STM32 BOOTLOADER” and install the WinUSB driver

    Release Notes;
    Latest 2.10 Bugfix changes which include TMPC or Temperature Model Predictive Control, a much smarter option to PID Tuning
    enabled binary file transfer which should allow future firmware update to be sent via USB using Octoprint

    To incorporate latest Marlin Bugfixes up to 3/25

    included latest Marlin bugfixes as promised.
    adjust encoder speeds for speed when rotating
    Bed leveling now adjusts in increments of 0.001 for finer tuning
    Jerk removed and replaced with newer Linear Advance
    Level Corners now called Bed Tramming

    Lowered Z axis for leveling to start from 2mm vs 4mm
    reenabled last measured height so when leveling bed, the next point will start from the last leveling point
    tweaked encoder speeds
    added Preheat to the top of the main menu

    enabled Nozzle Park feature on pause or for filament change as i noticed it stayed over the print job if you select change filament.

    a few more fine tuning options, RGB led enabled in case you added an RGB led, simply connect it to the RGB connectors

    Uploaded firmware with power loss recovery enabled as well as scroll long file names, status message scrolling and browse media on insert

    added PID Tuning to both bed and Extruder under configuration/advanced/temp.
    Mesh bed leveling now has 25 points or 5x5
    Bed leveling now adjusts in increments of 0.010 vs 0.025 for a more accurate level
    Jerk now configurable from menu

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