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**This firmware is currently specific to the Sidewinder X1 V4 with BL Touch for Auto Bed Leveling, see my other listing for Mesh Bed Leveling with no probe.**


**Flash firmware at your own risk!!** You really can't brick your printer but you can incur some downtime if not done properly and i will do my best to help you should an issue arise, that is why i charge for my firmware, it also comes with close to immediate support unless you are on another continent, then it is about 6 hours delay. 


It is best NOT to flash your firmware immediately after purchasing a 3D printer. Instead, accustom yourself to it and how you print, once you feel you reached the limits of your current firmware, you can upgrade.


Can be used for Genius as well, simply change X,Y,Z size from 300x300x400 to 220x220x250.


I hope you enjoy the quality of my firmware builds and hope it helps your printing success. I decided to create my own firmware after trying one firmware the owner felt he knew what features I wanted and which ones I didn't, and another that sent my nozzle dragging across the bed of my week old printer.. at that point I felt I had to make my own and not only maintain it as much and as fast as possible, but also ensure any features available are being taken advantage of while at the same time configuring the firmware to give us Sidewinder/Genius owners the best possible prints.


I only charge a small fee to account for a fraction of the time spent compiling, testing and supporting my firmware, if you feel I helped you or your printer above and beyond the firmware, feel free to buy me a coffee or a cheap nozzle...hahaha 

Thank you and Happy printing!

Artillery Sidewinder X1 Marlin BL Touch FW with BigTreeTech V27 TFT

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  • Note, I will try to keep the last 3 firmware's in rotation but if you need a special configuration for your printer please let me know what you need and I will be happy to tweak if for your specific setup.

    If the TFT firmware stops updating at 119 images, create a blank config file named reset and place it on the SD card alone, flash with it to reset, then flash TFT again. 

    **If your Sidewinder has been updated in the past, proceed to Step 2:**

    **Part 1:** First, you will have to open the front bottom of the printer by unscrewing the two screws in front of and two behind the rubber feet. The front half of the bottom cover will now open enough for you to reach in and unplug the white 4 (four pin) ribbon cable to the TFT screen.  There will probably be some glue holding it in for shipping, carefully scrape some away until the connector comes off. 

    **Part 2.**  Launch [PrusaSlicer] ( Go to Configuration and select *Flash Printer firmware.*

    Browse to the firmware.hex file you downloaded and hit OK, *IMPORTANT* i have been able to flash my firmware by clicking the flash button immediately following the communication beep after connecting to USB so listen for it and be ready!

    now plug in the USB to the printer and select your COM port. now if the Serial port field is empty click Rescan. If the Rescan does not produce your printer COM port, you will need to install the USB drivers from the same link, simply select Download drivers & Apps package for your OS. Now select Flash! and follow prompts for it to finish.  Once you see, *Flash Successful*, either press the reset button on the printer or simply unplug the USB and power it on from the switch on the rear.

    **PART 3** TFT firmware and Icons update:**
    Copy the files in the MKS directory to the root of your SD card, I use a 32GB, so smaller should work just fine and the 16GB myth is squashed. HOWEVER, I do recommend a cheap 1 or 2 Gb set aside just for firmware flashing as my memory card was corrupted and about 30 gcode files were lost...
    ok, now restart the printer and you will see updating, once complete reset the printer from the reset button next to the TFT and power it on from main power.

    1. The first thing I recommend doing after the firmware is going to the EEPROM and resetting it to factory.

    *2. Preheat the bed using the preheats for Wood which is 170/60 and good for bed leveling. now for the most important thing, perform a 4 corners bed leveling with a sheet of paper or feeler gauge until you can slide a sheet of paper under it but still feel the nozzle touching it, repeat 2,3 or until the feel is the same all around, this is the foundation and will make the next mesh leveling step that much easier and more accurate.*

    3. Once you are happy with your corner leveling, perform a Mesh Bed Level, you are looking for the same feel as the four corner level. You will know you corner leveled correctly when your mesh level is within 10-15 mm.  Once complete you will be prompted to save to EEPROM, do so.  You are now ready to print!

    **If you get a "Printer Not Attached" message, set the baud rate to 250000 under Menu/Settings/Connection/Baud rate**

    To enable remaining time when using Cura and a few other slicers, make sure to enable Progress in post processing scripts, see image.

    **Mainboard firmware update:**
    Update 8/28/2021

    Big Thank you to R3shY for testing my BL Touch firmware!!.
    Implemented fix to correctly use start and end scripts again!

    Update 8/23/2021
    Corrected runout pin to no longer need LED on, you may need to change filament inverting in your config.ini

    Update 8/19/2021
    small correction to runout sensor pin
    added two missing icons for chamber and chamber heat
    placed everything in one zip

    Update 8/1/2021
    Temp Stat LED's are now working!

    Update 7/29/2021

    Filament Runout sensor has been tested with latest TFT firmware, remember to disable the filament sensor in the TFT settings.

    Update 7/6/2021

    I have been successful at flashing my printer WITHOUT having to disconnect the TFT cable using Cura, Prusa and VSCode PIO.

    Change Log 07/4/21
    update TFT firmware to V27.
    canceling a print job now presents the bed and moves extruder out of the way for any cleaning. (recommend slowly pushing or homing after cancel)
    Auto detect bed size.
    Time Elapsed and Remaining now works and alternates by pressing the hour glass.
    Temperature status LEDs now change with temperature, Blue is cool and Red is still over 50 c.
    long press "Back" button triggers Home screen.
    progress bar now with 10% increments.
    Updated BTT Touchscreen firmware to include
    dual color, and custom LED colors recalled on restart
    Auto power on/off if available if power supply supports it.
    clickable icons like nozzle and bed fan all go to their respective menus.

    Change Log 06/21/21
    Enabled LCD Bed Leveling submenu
    Enabled MeshEdit submenu
    Adaptive fan slowing

    *Change Log 06/16/21*
    Updated firmware for Marlin 2.0.9
    More streamlined firmware
    config.ini now presents bed when a print job is cancelled mid print and raises Z up and out of the way for any cleaning.
    Added change nozzle command
    Screen calibration can be done manually if needed.

    *Change Log 061421*
    Reduced Bed Size on Y axis to avoid clips on beds

    *Change Log 061321*
    Reduced jerk setting defaults to 8 for smoother prints with less printer shaking, can be reduced further in settings.
    Filament Runout length increased to 300mm to use filament from top of Z axis to reduce wasted filament with stock settings.
    S Curve Acceleration enabled.
    Homing height and Z height after homing increased to safe distance from bed.
    Homing now backs off of end stops instead of resting on them.
    Enabled adaptive step smoothing.
    Long press back arrow to go straight to Home screen.
    LED custom colors and presets.

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